
Showing posts from July, 2021

Self love ❤️

This is one thing that I noticed is easier said than done. I always tell myself "I love you" and all the positive affirmations but the actions to prove this aren't that much. Check;  How to know whether you truly love yourself We tend to neglect many things and feelings that we need to prioritize. Sacrificing our self love to fit into other people's 'good books', standards, life, opinions and so many other things forgetting to put ourselves as the first priority. Its important to start investing in ourselves, putting time and effort to get into conversations with ourselves so as to understand and fall deeper in love with who we are. The same things we do as we try to love someone is the same procedure to act on, with yourself. For guides click;  How to love yourself At some point, actualizing self love tends to feel or look selfish and this makes it even harder to accomplish. But this ain't so. Putting you first is important because...


We can all agree that personal standards is a must have in life but first things first; what does having personal standards mean? It is basically the behaviors that you have or decide to set for yourself depending on your life expectations. Personal standards greatly define you as a person as well as the outcome of your life. Some people's standards are high, for some are low and it all depends one's desires. Examples of personal standards This is a great deal for the achievements and success that you expect of yourself and your life and considering this, you should always strive to have high standards at all times. Raising standards has both positive and negative outcomes because you do not expect everything to remain constant as you change certain aspects of your life.  Check  10 things that happen when you raise your standards  .  Even so, you can't just sit there dreaming of becoming a billionaire when you can't shed off the beggars' behavior.  A...


I came across this challenge on YouTube in one of the motivational speeches and tried it. The result was amazing because I ended up feeling relieved. What exactly is  not giving a f*** ? Giving a fuck is basically investing your time, energy, attention, thoughts and feelings on something whether good or bad. Not giving a f*** is exactly the opposite. We all give a fuck about something or someone in our lives. But, sometimes we give attention to so many things and situations even those that do not deserve it. In the end, we end up feeling exhausted and strained then suddenly life becomes less sweeter. Not everything is worth your time or energy or emotions so don't waste your f*** on things that don't add any value!   So this challenge is all about selecting the things that are worth your f*** and not giving a f*** to those that aren't. Carefully select the more important things in your life, focus on them and invest your fuck in them because they are worth it...