We can all agree that personal standards is a must have in life but first things first;

what does having personal standards mean?

It is basically the behaviors that you have or decide to set for yourself depending on your life expectations.

Personal standards greatly define you as a person as well as the outcome of your life. Some people's standards are high, for some are low and it all depends one's desires.Examples of personal standards

This is a great deal for the achievements and success that you expect of yourself and your life and considering this, you should always strive to have high standards at all times.

Raising standards has both positive and negative outcomes because you do not expect everything to remain constant as you change certain aspects of your life. 
Even so, you can't just sit there dreaming of becoming a billionaire when you can't shed off the beggars' behavior. 
Act like what you believe you are or will be because believing alone doesn't make you that, behaving is what does.

So let's raise our standards and behave like who and what we believe and want to be.

If you need guides on how to raise your standards click How to raise your standards


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