One time I woke up to one of the very bright and promising Thursdays, free from the necessary responsibilities ready to self-reflect and sink deep into my aura. 
A thought crosses my mind and I begin to wonder why life can't give anything for free, must we always have to work or pay to get something good or helpful? All this being triggered by the fact that i having to shop for groceries that day.

As I'm shopping, I decide to buy myself a watermelon to try brighten my day and just as I'm about to leave, the vendor calls me back to give me an extra watermelon. Walking back home with the two watermelons in my bag I realize I just got another free chance to better my health and body with the extra watermelon.

That watermelon reminded me of the little things that we fail to recognize as we focus on seeing the 'bigger' achievements or gifts. 

Sometimes you have everything you need a your disposal but when the one thing you desire fails to come your way, you forget to count your other blessings.
As much as many have termed life as difficult, it all lies in your mindset and art of gratitude.

Learning to appreciate and see the good in every occurrence in your life by finding lessons in the bad and being happy for the good.


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