We're in a world full of different kinds of sounds and voices, from the music, movies, TikTok sounds, threads, streaks and ongoing conversations, some of which we are not invited to but still choose to dedicate our senses to them. Then there's the inner us that's always trying to get our attention to the point it screams at us using our feelings, intuition, heartbeat but we still choose to seek a second opinion.
'Trust issues' as many may call it, something we attribute to our previous misfortunes and encounters with others, and so we end up diving into a series of healing so that we can trust others when we have ourselves all along.
We trust them to give us a good time as we hang out with them, we trust them not to fail us in a project we are working on, we trust them to love us unconditionally and constantly show up for us when we need them but can we trust ourselves enough to listen to the inner us in each time you expect others to be there or when you think you need them most?
What is love when you can't trust yourself to be responsible for yourself through it all?
What is friendship when it has to flow to their rythmn but when you choose to listen to yourself, you become the one that betrayed them?
What is family when the only thing that holds you together is the people pleasing behaviors and trying to convince yourself that they're all you got since you're connected by blood and the togetherness throughout the years?
What's the point of being afraid of being alone and instead you choose to pay the cost of always trying to redefine who you are to them so that you can sell yourself to what they term as acceptable?
What's the point of life when it can't be all about you? What's the point of living when you can't focus on your story and the trajectory of God?
What's the point of doing it and surviving it all when you're not you in the end.
What's the point of having your personalities, interests, passion, preferences, name, standards, class etc when you can't proudly own who you are?
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